Friday, August 31, 2012

RSI – Repetitive Stress Injury – What you need to know.

In response to my previous blog, I got a mail from my senior and old friend asking me why I did not contact his Department, which he heads now in Bangalore, as I had worked along with him.

 I had mentioned that there is no specialty that deals with muscles in medicine. I was wrong, as there is a department which deals with this. It is Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PMR). The specialists are called Physiatrists. We have MD and DNB courses in this subject. I have hardly seen any medical professional knowing about the existence of this department. St John’s Medical College in Bangalore and Christian medical college in Vellore have these departments. They deal with kinesiology which is about muscles. Very few departments exist in the country. And most of the practising doctors do not know about this.
RSI is increasing in number. Some are having full blown condition and have left their jobs; many are in different stages of this condition and are in the process of going in for serious trouble. I have seen many who are suffering yet not willing accept the reality. I have spent hours explaining so many people, though it was none of my business to lecture them to get help.

       I did mention about Recoup which came out with this new treatment. The problem in that centre is the attrition of therapists and insufficient knowledge of the newer therapists. There is lack of comprehensive treatment with non involvement of Doctors with therapists. Most of the therapists treat blindly without understanding the real problem. So they can only treat the earlier stages completely. You all know about how some centers work in our country which, I won’t talk about. Most of the therapists themselves develop RSI treating continuously. As it is manual work most are not willing do the job.

 RSI patients have multiple trigger points. The trigger points were first described by Janet travell almost fifty years back. Still this has not found its way into medical textbooks. It was later popularised by Claire Davies a piano business man who wrote a self help book. Other day I found an article in journal of rheumatology about the relation of latent (non active) trigger points with depression. That is to say everybody have trigger points, some are latent and do not cause pain. Active trigger points cause pain and contractile state of a muscle.  
        Whenever a muscle is strained, it goes in to a contractile state by formation of a nodule which is called a trigger point. This trigger point has been studied by electron microscope and contents have been found. Trigger points hold the muscles in contractile state as a defence mechanism. In this process they shorten. These points are extremely painful and can be released by massage or needling them. If they are not released and continued abuse of the muscle causes trigger points in the assisting muscles which are called satellite trigger points. Over time if proper treatment is not done, most of the muscles develop trigger points. They involve the muscles who get in to action to correct posture and so on.

I have come to realise that there are two types in neck pain.  First is with People working with neck bent posture and developing TrP (Trigger points).
Second type is with people working with outstretched hand. First type develops trigger points in specific muscles which can be treated easily by TrP therapy. The second type is the one which is causing havoc. Continuous outstretched hand without rest seen in computer users, causes lot of strain on the shoulder muscles. The primary shoulder muscles are Rotator cuff muscles which involve four muscles which develop TrP’s when are strained. If continued working the supporting muscles get in to action and tire easily only to develop TrPs themselves. Later the muscles which attach from neck to shoulder try to assist and they also bite the dust. Because of this the posture changes and constant correction to keep straight causes the opposite side muscles get in to action and join the rest of the crowd to bite the dust. So we have all these poor guys with TrP’s causing contractile state and shortening pulling on bones causing osteophytes which are bony projections termed as degenerative changes.  
Then there is muscle pull between the head and shoulder causing compression of the spine causing discs to rupture and herniate just like when multiple cream biscuits are compressed cream comes out.
       If there is a disc herniation and nerve root compression it is a clear case for surgery. Others end up with physiotherapy, which happened to me initially, where I was given Isometric exercises aggressively. I had to put my head against wall and push it on all sides. Next was cervical traction. This has been followed from years by our medical community.  These are the worst things to do for a strained neck. If muscles with TrP and contractile state are abused further by contraction and stretching only makes it contract further. There by causing more shortening and discs to rupture. Any muscle with a TrP should not be exercised or stretched.

My junior colleague was the first to develop RSI more than 3 years back. He was put on one month of cervical traction and ended with disc herniation.  
By now I hope you understand the logic of neck pain. The approach to treating neck is difficult in the second type of neck pain if it has progressed. The problem with people treating neck pain is that they have not understood the logic of neck pain. I have seen them working on only neck and treating the ones pointed by the patients which is symptomatic. The moment they are off the table they get their TrP’s back with this type of treatment. That is the reason the RSI has been elusive. I have read many articles written by therapists who are also not giving a proper picture to approach.

  Whereas the logic of treating stubborn TrP s lies in solving other muscles which are pulling them and causing TrPs more than the work or posture.

       Finally it is the ignorance of comprehensive treatment and not understanding the real problem which has led this increasing number of RSI. The prevention of RSI lies in understanding it. I would suggest people who work with computers keep their shoulders, back and neck fit. People who have developed RSI, can only hope they get a therapist who understands this. Otherwise you are wasting time, instead you should learn about this yourself by reading about it. At present I am in the process of treating people myself. I have almost come to a state where I can help those who have not been solved by others from years. I have injected myself on many trigger points and have solved them. It is a tedious process. 

Take care and please do forward this to as many, because RSI can hit anybody anytime as long as the computers are there. And please comment so that I can put forward some more points.

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