Read my first part this blog here.
Road to prosperity lies in toilet training. Part 2, is a follow up write up to my previous blog.
How can we help Indians attain a better standard of living. Higher qualification or economic prosperity, which can bring them higher standard. Do we have a criteria which can help in improving their standard living. Do we take this index as a measure for the development of people? So far that is how it has been thought. Wealthy does not mean they have attained a better standard of living. You can see lot of wealthy with thick gold chains, lacking basic common sense or civic sense. Higher level of living is not luxurious and rich. Simple it is basic common and civic sense. Respect for others and everything around them. Higher level of living is an enhanced individual with good behaviour in all the acts.
I feel, Toilet trained India can go global. And I view it will bring down corruption by some percentage finally. ( You literally have to join lot of lines to get to this.)
Let me give you an example. In Hollywood movie Pretty Woman, Julia Roberts is a call girl. After staying with Richard Gere, a businessman for couple of weeks, she has evolves into a lady equivalent to a lady of higher strata of society. When she walks with Richard in her red dress with right body language and style, it shows her confidence and pride. Just that morning she was a call
girl and by evening she has a different attitude and a glow in her face. She could not afford a drink in the same hotel she was in yet she felt higher. By the time she goes back to her room, she has changed in her dressing, body language and has a new life. Alone with a new attitude towards life and a conflict with her present and previous life she decides to study further.
She had acquired the right attitude and was confident. She had transformed into a wonderful woman with a class and never felt she was a call girl. May be a Cinderella story yet you learn a lot.
A person can change his or her life by just acquiring simple acts of better way of living. All they have to do is to learn those and implement their life. At present in the world, Indians are discriminated for their lowest standards, lower than tiny poor nations. And it is time Indians acquired some standards in this stage of human life, that is toilet training.
When you build people from toilet training as the basic feature for better standard of living, you will see their living standard as well as the standard of the community improving. Toilet trained will give importance to a toilet and will accept that the natural process can be good and clean than the present Indian thinking of being dirty. Toilets are neglected in many families and are assumed to be dirty areas. A spotless house can have a stinking toilet. Many communities in our country do not build toilets inside their house. They consider them as dirty, as their God does not approve. I still wonder who this God is, who does not visit them for the natural process which he has created.
Toilet trained automatically, will enhance their life in habits, cleanliness and acquire a better standard of life. They feel proud of themselves and move a for better attainment. They will dress better, get the best of their behaviour. They will not feel the need to acquire lot of wealth for a better way of life which they have acquired free.
The personal behavior will improve and interests will change. They will be willing to enhance their lifestyle.When they know the better way living does not need obnoxious amount of money. They greed is reduced and there will be reduction in the number of people who want to go an extra mile of conning people. They do not have to loot public to acquire wealth, thinking wealth brings happiness. There are so many millions of families who live with small income still lead a better lifestyle by their simple and beautiful thinking.
Small percentage of people will not change, like a small percentage of people around you who should have been in jail walking around. You can't put them in jail. Small percentage will not listen and not function as expected. We are looking at the rest.
We like to dress well for others many times yet many times we dress for ourselves. Our pride, feeling and personal satisfaction. We wear branded and spend a lot of time enhancing our image in front of others. Well dressed day will have a better body language and energy. It is the way we feel about yourself. We buy expensive underwear when nobody can see and appreciate. Most of the time there no chance of impressing with this. This explains that, more you feel better about yourself the better it is for you in being confident, better energy and a better life.
Just imagine all the toilet trained Indians in the world stage. We are known for our academic record and business(many famous business communities). If only they acquired the standards of the international community. For a moment dream how they will be the next day.
That toilet trained is half way ahead in personal development. This again is not a successful mantra in life. It is my view, personality development is an important aspect to build a better society. Our society is built upon differences so many that we still can’t count. We have to respect others first to develop. That can happen with building a community from grass root level. This is where we should start and along with rest of the things like education,moral values, national pride, honesty and this will go a long way in achieving our long-term goal of being a developed nation.
Road to prosperity lies in toilet training. Part 2, is a follow up write up to my previous blog.
How can we help Indians attain a better standard of living. Higher qualification or economic prosperity, which can bring them higher standard. Do we have a criteria which can help in improving their standard living. Do we take this index as a measure for the development of people? So far that is how it has been thought. Wealthy does not mean they have attained a better standard of living. You can see lot of wealthy with thick gold chains, lacking basic common sense or civic sense. Higher level of living is not luxurious and rich. Simple it is basic common and civic sense. Respect for others and everything around them. Higher level of living is an enhanced individual with good behaviour in all the acts.
I feel, Toilet trained India can go global. And I view it will bring down corruption by some percentage finally. ( You literally have to join lot of lines to get to this.)
Let me give you an example. In Hollywood movie Pretty Woman, Julia Roberts is a call girl. After staying with Richard Gere, a businessman for couple of weeks, she has evolves into a lady equivalent to a lady of higher strata of society. When she walks with Richard in her red dress with right body language and style, it shows her confidence and pride. Just that morning she was a call
girl and by evening she has a different attitude and a glow in her face. She could not afford a drink in the same hotel she was in yet she felt higher. By the time she goes back to her room, she has changed in her dressing, body language and has a new life. Alone with a new attitude towards life and a conflict with her present and previous life she decides to study further.
She had acquired the right attitude and was confident. She had transformed into a wonderful woman with a class and never felt she was a call girl. May be a Cinderella story yet you learn a lot.
A person can change his or her life by just acquiring simple acts of better way of living. All they have to do is to learn those and implement their life. At present in the world, Indians are discriminated for their lowest standards, lower than tiny poor nations. And it is time Indians acquired some standards in this stage of human life, that is toilet training.
When you build people from toilet training as the basic feature for better standard of living, you will see their living standard as well as the standard of the community improving. Toilet trained will give importance to a toilet and will accept that the natural process can be good and clean than the present Indian thinking of being dirty. Toilets are neglected in many families and are assumed to be dirty areas. A spotless house can have a stinking toilet. Many communities in our country do not build toilets inside their house. They consider them as dirty, as their God does not approve. I still wonder who this God is, who does not visit them for the natural process which he has created.
Toilet trained automatically, will enhance their life in habits, cleanliness and acquire a better standard of life. They feel proud of themselves and move a for better attainment. They will dress better, get the best of their behaviour. They will not feel the need to acquire lot of wealth for a better way of life which they have acquired free.
The personal behavior will improve and interests will change. They will be willing to enhance their lifestyle.When they know the better way living does not need obnoxious amount of money. They greed is reduced and there will be reduction in the number of people who want to go an extra mile of conning people. They do not have to loot public to acquire wealth, thinking wealth brings happiness. There are so many millions of families who live with small income still lead a better lifestyle by their simple and beautiful thinking.
Small percentage of people will not change, like a small percentage of people around you who should have been in jail walking around. You can't put them in jail. Small percentage will not listen and not function as expected. We are looking at the rest.
We like to dress well for others many times yet many times we dress for ourselves. Our pride, feeling and personal satisfaction. We wear branded and spend a lot of time enhancing our image in front of others. Well dressed day will have a better body language and energy. It is the way we feel about yourself. We buy expensive underwear when nobody can see and appreciate. Most of the time there no chance of impressing with this. This explains that, more you feel better about yourself the better it is for you in being confident, better energy and a better life.
Just imagine all the toilet trained Indians in the world stage. We are known for our academic record and business(many famous business communities). If only they acquired the standards of the international community. For a moment dream how they will be the next day.
That toilet trained is half way ahead in personal development. This again is not a successful mantra in life. It is my view, personality development is an important aspect to build a better society. Our society is built upon differences so many that we still can’t count. We have to respect others first to develop. That can happen with building a community from grass root level. This is where we should start and along with rest of the things like education,moral values, national pride, honesty and this will go a long way in achieving our long-term goal of being a developed nation.
Hi Pradski, what you say is right. Many of us Indians learn about toilet training and better civic sense once we go abroad, but in our own country neither do we respect the other peoples feelings, we do not follow basic traffic rules no civic sense.
ReplyDeleteThanks navrad, for the patience you have and for commenting on this post. I agree with you that we need all these along with material properity to be respected in the world stage