Friday, September 13, 2019

Rest Room Business

Rest room business.


Rest rooms are very personal in nature for everyone. It is one important private space for most of us. I have had this rest room idea since decades. This idea of mine and my other blog of toilet training can be utilized by employers to improve the productivity by more than 30 to 40%. This is from my perspective. 

My previous blog of 2009.

Then we had Swatch Bharath introduced in 2014.

I would like to focus on our country for all practical purposes, as most of my blogs are.

Every person has a way of functioning in his or her personal day to day life. There are multiple factors which are individual to each of them.  It all depends on personal attitude, behavioral adaption and upbringing. I personally feel there is one very important factor which makes a person what he is and how he functions. That is bowel habits and rest room usage.

Bowel habits of a person define that person and the way they function according the comfort of their habits.

We have a very bad situation in our country when it comes to toilets and usage among the people. Whenever people are on the move, they have difficulty in using toilets. Most of the people do not travel often for a simple reason of bowel habits. And many plan their tourism around their hotel room and cannot risk going out for few hours more than their bowel habit.


The concept of public toilets is redundant. Whatever is available are dirty and cannot be used. So this is where the hotels and restaurants take advantage. Most of the people take up a hotel room or use dining services just to use toilets. What if we reverse this?


I would like to focus on how we can use different perspective of toilets for betterment of our society by giving an opportunity to learn a better way with perception and habit.

Here we need private players like a corporate who can use this and make it big also. I visualize this like a fast food chain. Build a chain of pay and use toilets. Most of the commercial establishments build business with a free toilet facility and make up their primary business luring through rest rooms. What I propose is use the toilets as the real services and rest as additional service if needed.

Build a wonderful complex of toilets with a beautiful lounge in the reception. Toilets can be of different standards. Display the facilities like a fast food chain.  Customer will have the option of choosing with details of the provision and price. The types can be like basic toilet with commode and hand wash.  Upgrade to different standards like commode with shower and hand wash. You can have multiple additions. All these should be sound proof with adequate light and ventilation.

The rest rooms are planned in such a way maintenance aspect is easy and should be to the extent possible automatic and minimal human interference needed for maintenance.

After each toilet use the forced jets should cover whole of commode and floor with faster drain and suction and dried with hot air or whatever technology which is available to achieve that.  

These are built in tourist places, highways, city centers, airports, bus and train stations. These are private and payable. While free services offered by respective players will function simultaneously.

Imagine the kind of places India has in the world which is not visited and Indians keep going abroad only for the reason they are well maintained while we have enormous world’s beautiful heritage which are neglected only for the reason inadequate infrastructure. Only this aspect my idea is equivalent to half the infrastructure battle won.


I see a wonderful India with lot of Indians travelling appreciating our native heritage and spending in the country rather than losing lot of foreign exchange. This needs a corporate with a fine brain in the basics and using for the advantage and contributing to the country. There may be trickle down smaller players which ultimately will lead to covering bigger populace.

Many of the companies can use this idea and improve their productivity. Imagine man hours are lost because of the discomfort by the deficiency of comfortable toilets. A comfortable toilet use without being conscious can improve a person’s confidence and functionality in his work.

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