Manage your waste.
Waste management has been the nightmare of the world, which
is still struggling to figure out how to. We being the biggest offenders expect government
to solve, which is a representative of ourselves. We have not found a way to
solve all the waste we generate. Waste management is the biggest disaster waiting
to happen in our country while we are clueless about it. Indians claim to be very
clean, while they dirty the neighborhood. Only the house seen by others is
clean, rest will be rotten and they complain.
We generate lot of waste. We have waste from paper, plastic,
food and many more. We put them all in to a bag which is collected by a garbage
collector in some places. Rest dump in to the dumpster which is nearby. Since
everybody throws everything in to one bag and is discarded in to the dumpster, we
do not know the problem that is causing in terms of solving the waste. And the
problems which are associated with it.
We can help the society, environment and country by being
responsible. All it needs is simple discipline. In this country if you don’t
help yourself, nobody else will. We may end up dead if we are waiting for our
rights. If you want to live better, you better help yourself. We can help ourselves by simple waste management.
Divide the waste into three to four categories like paper,
plastic, wet waste and the rest. Sort the paper first. Every paper that comes
in to your house should have a place to go. The envelopes can be opened well
and good ones can be stored, which can be used to store many items for future
use by labeling them. Rest of them should be put among the newspapers. Unimportant
papers printed on one side can be filed to use the empty side later, either by
the kids to paint or yourselves as a rough paper. Confidential papers which have to be thrown should
be discarded by local factors at your discretion or can be shredded or cut in
to pieces and used among the wet waste. Every paper can be folded to a decent
extent and stored along with the newspapers. The extra paper may not fetch you
much but they go to the right place, recycling unit.
Plastic waste, aluminum cans, bottles and non degradable
waste is stored in a large bin, which is sold to the paper guy, which will
fetch you few bucks. We usually let the maid handle this, letting her sort and
sell where she gets few bucks. Plastic covers can be folded to their original shape
and placed in a box. These can be reused later.
The uncooked vegetable waste should be stored in a container
and left it in the backyard. The uncooked vegetable waste dries up and does not
stink. It can be used for composting or can be used in the garden filling the
areas dug up especially for these. Or you can combine the garden waste like
leaves and flowers and pass it on to the garbage collector.

You may find millions of items which cannot be divided in
the above way. When you get the fundamentals right, you know how to manage. These
are the basic ideas you should work on. Then you can help. Our government
institutes have not gone way ahead in waste management. Let’s go ahead of them
and be prepared. I know we don’t see that happening, neither do I see people
following whatever I am talking. You know why we don't care, because garbage is not dumped around our house. But it still has to be dumped around somebody's house. They can't fight and should we care ?
PS: All the pictures are copied from Google search for illustrations only.
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