poor and illiterate than the learned. It is not that learned understand that God is not real, it is the belief that when in trouble and you have nobody to ask for help, God is the only hope. Everyone has one final hope that is God. Nobody has seen God and so far we have not definitely caught him on film or proved. While we have so many Gods and we literally are fighting each other to prove that our god is better than the other. Many times the people who want God to progress are trying to protect God who is in distress. They go to the extent of killing people also. People in developed countries and some in others have gotten over this business of God and have stopped going to the places of worship. Some of the churches are converted as commercial places in developed countries. While in developing countries like India and others the places of worship are growing like their population.
Being religious is the nature of human to associate everything to a supernatural power as nobody has proved anything yet of life itself. People dream
of a miracle, as promised by saints and prophets over centuries. The beliefs are so
strong it defies logic. Every illogical behavior of humans has relation to god.
Drowning man catches a straw, is relevant to human race, as the normal life
style has become so stressful that they need a straw to hold on to their life.
That is where God comes in to action. Over centuries so many saints and
prophets have come in to this world and preached. Many things are
captured and over centuries every person who was educated has been assigned to manipulate those writings to the advantage of the select
few. These are the people who have sowed the seeds of hatred which we are reaping now.

In our experience of few centuries in this planet we have seen so many religious leaders preaching to their disciples, good and bad. People have followed them with dedication and devotion in the hope of a better life then and after death. Some of them have convinced the people saying the real life is awaiting them after death than the present, and we have our flock following them to their death. They are fed certain phrases only, most of them with certain clear cut political advantage. Most of them spread hatred for non believers. Hatred and God's word is building barriers among the different religious communities. Hatred begets hatred and we have other communities gearing up to fight back, the fight finally turns ugly and we have riots. While riots continue with these unconcerned humans, only the innocent and poor die. The real perpetrators are reaping benefit out of this in many ways either financially or politically.
Again in our experience we have seen no God
has appeared on Earth as far hundreds of years of recorded events. And no saint
or prophet has lived more than his normal human life of a maximum of a century.
We have not seen god’s miracles in public display or captured on film. But we
have proved time and again many saints are common men in disguise fooling the
people for their perversions. The religion and religious places are the safe
hideouts with opportunities for the perverse individuals. They use their
influence among the masses to use their power for personal immoral and
illegitimate actions. In spite of knowing with repeated incidents, you will
find people flocking to them. They are so much faith in them, they trust them to their death.
When millions of gullible are easily available, every criminal and pervert individuals use the religious mask to enter in to that system and use it to their advantage. These are the people in power
or people with power of God who use them for personal fantasies.
They can mobilize lot of people for their fight in the name of God, and scare them of consequences if they do not. Humans, look for one gullible you will find millions one better than the other. If
you do not fall in line you will be banished from the community and blamed as
an agent working against the community. This has polarized the society in to so many splinter groups within the major religious groups themselves. People are devoid of logic, rationality and humanity have become zombies of hatred. Hatred is against everybody who is not of the same group. These are maintained by certain individuals who use them for the mass appeal and support.

A society which has a standard as old as few centuries cannot be expected to behave to our expectation of modern world. People with no basic facilities of
a human, cannot be expected to behave in a humane behavior. If there has been no progress in culture due to inefficiency of the state in not bringing them on the mainstream you cannot expect them to change overnight to a modern society. If their living life
style is like animals, you cannot expect them to be again at their best behavior.
The only way to get them to think of higher level of thinking is by giving the
basics they deserve. The basics are the responsibility of the state. The state
should ensure what is the best culture the society has to get taking in to
consideration the better policy used by the developed world with inclusive attitude
of the local customs. The state should ensure to remove the bad habits, customs
and rituals which are inhuman and which do not follow the universal equality.
People do not know how to live a better life as they are used to living the way they have seen and heard.
It is the responsibility of the state to build a better
nation. The state has to make sure what people see and hear and show them the better way of living. When the society learns to live the better way of living, it is a productive society with less conflicts within. Democracy cannot be
taken for granted, where the real democratic values devours the democracy. State is run by corrupt politicians who are part of the corrupt society. Millions of Indian qualify competitive examinations across the country and world. many join services and looking at the status of our society we know by now how degenerate these brains have given us service. We believe in all charlatans who promise to remove corruption in a day, when the deep rooted system of corrupt practices of the society itself are not even considered. In daily life I see all these charlatans, corrupt, criminal and low life's complaining about the corruption. But they would never change and they stick to corrupt practices.
Over few decades we have grown out of casteism, though not completely eradicated. At least the second generation literates have grown out of it. Majority of the educated believe in equality till the fissures are created by people in politics for personal gain. This divisive nature of politics is played by all leaders in the country. The beneficiary are few in highest level of power. Only way to get out of this degenerating politics to progress is to get a good leader. The leader who can tame the corrupt with in his group and outside.The leader who believes in equality for a better nation than for certain communities. The leader who believes in tolerance at the same time quells the anti national elements. The leader who can deliver for the society than his family. No system is devoid of corrupt individuals, it is the smartness of a leader to contain them and bring the best out of the rot. This is the need of the hour.
Disclaimer: All pictures are used for illustration purposes are taken from Google search.
Over few decades we have grown out of casteism, though not completely eradicated. At least the second generation literates have grown out of it. Majority of the educated believe in equality till the fissures are created by people in politics for personal gain. This divisive nature of politics is played by all leaders in the country. The beneficiary are few in highest level of power. Only way to get out of this degenerating politics to progress is to get a good leader. The leader who can tame the corrupt with in his group and outside.The leader who believes in equality for a better nation than for certain communities. The leader who believes in tolerance at the same time quells the anti national elements. The leader who can deliver for the society than his family. No system is devoid of corrupt individuals, it is the smartness of a leader to contain them and bring the best out of the rot. This is the need of the hour.
Disclaimer: All pictures are used for illustration purposes are taken from Google search.
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