Friday, May 19, 2023

Watch what you Eat


Watch what you eat

Other day we were in a very expensive restaurant for dinner. I just ate a piece of mutton chops, and when I just bit in to it I felt I am eating chicken. And I immediately told my colleague sitting next to me that it was not mutton and tasted like chicken. Then I continued for some time and realized it was not mutton. Both of us tried to investigate, looked at the meat by itself which was not typical of red meat. It was white meat and it was not chicken. Spine was distinctive,  easily breakable with soft cartilage. This made us stop eating and since then I stopped eating mutton in restaurants.

What can possibly be that meat on that day? I will present my speculation and what happens in the meat market and the restaurants.

Meat is sold in different ways. Most of us are used to buy meat in the nearby shops where meat is chopped in front of our eyes. There are markets within the deeper pockets of a city which is not accessible by many. Basically let’s assume them as difficult terrain. Meat is sold in bulk. And there are many who genuinely sell the meat in bulk. Of course there are bad elements who do not sell meat in genuine way. There is some amount of mixing of meat with animals of not your choice. If a KG of mutton costs around Rs 700 and in bulk of 30 to 50 kg, if you can mix meat of other animals to at least up to 10 kgs and you will not notice the mix. You can make a big profit out of this. Mutton can be mixed with dog, monkey, donkey and cat.

When the supplier has adulterated with these and has supplied to a restaurant. There may be many who will be obliging for a small commission from the particular supplier. When these meats are served in a restaurant, none will be able to differentiate the meat. So choosing your meat in a restaurant is still your luck.

What about the road side eateries that sell biriyanis for Rs 40 and push carts who sell kebabs for such small price, how do they make their big profit?

If you have to use oil, the options are you buy company ones, loose in the shops or buy from wholesalers. There is always someone who is selling at a very cheap price which attracts these roadside vendors to buy. What oil are they supplying to these vendors? Most of the cheap oil sold in these markets in bulk or loose are the ones, which are recycled and refined oils. There is evidence that motor oil is refined and sold.

Anything you eat these days is planned for your satisfaction with artificial flavors, excessive oil, ghee or cheese. And they can dump so much, because they can afford it and you know where they would be getting those from.  

We are getting corporatized in our food habits. Indians have a varied taste and is different even for fifty to hundred kilometers. Western food is uniform across and will find the same taste in any corner of those countries. Breakfast to lunch we cook literally from the scratch. We are losing our taste following the west.


Now if your kids are used to fast food and lose the habit of liking Indian food, chances are that they will be cooking less in future when they are adults. All they need is processed foods and bread. It’s easy to take two slices of bread and spread jam and cheese. You are done. That is what they are going to give their kids when they have kids. When you lose touch of your taste and depend on restaurants and fast food which are addictive, you lose one families taste.

And every family has a unique taste. Mostly the taste of a family is mixture of both parents and wife’s side if nuclear family and husbands side if joint family. Now all these are lost because slowly we are turning in to western way of living which is typical robotic corporatized human lives. And they are being dictated by the market and the corporations.

This is the toilet tissue moment of the world. If you can see that people go on riots in the western world for toilet tissues. Don’t you find this really odd and silly? This is what a robotic corporatized human will be like. Excretion is natural process which has happened across the world from the time humans are in existence and nobody had control over that. But now the western world is held by the toilet tissue companies by a sword. It’s like that challenge of all the body organs claiming who is the greatest in the body and you know who the last one to say was.

Like normal labor (Child birth) has disappeared and has become a tik tok delivery. What could have happened with few thousands rupees now many are spending on lavish suites worth lakhs, and that used to happen as a normal process all these millennia.

Indians can cook a meal anywhere with simple ingredients. While same cannot be done by westerners. They are dependent on company made food and they are the slaves of the corporate indirectly.

If you lose touch with your way of food and de

pend on restaurants and fast food. Over time you and your kids lose touch with family taste and try to imitate the same at home. Like cooking fast foods at home and using too much processed foods and ready mix. Family taste is lost and art of cooking will be lost. And you will depend on processed foods and fast foods

So at the end of the day if we don’t appreciate the way of living what India has we will end of like processed humans with degenerate values, and dependent on corporate and their prices.



Watch what you Eat

  Watch what you eat Other day we were in a very expensive restaurant for dinner. I just ate a piece of mutton chops, and when I just bit ...